Download the file PILOTPAN.BT2 (see the attachments section below!).Rename your current D:\TORNADO\TORNADO\FLIGHT\ PILOTPAN.BT2 to D:\TORNADO\TORNADO\FLIGHT\ PILOTPAN_ori.BT2.Too bad that one would need the services and expertise of Dr Indiana Jones to track down the source code of Tornado 1.0e! The good news is that with very little work and effort, you can have that counter back where it rightly belongs! Just follow these three steps. Since the Tornado source code is Tornado 1.0a, the Pilot Panel (cockpit) sadly lacks the numeric fuel weight counter that made its debut in Tornado 1.0e. So perhaps for this reason, Tornado 1.0e modified the look of the Fuel Gauge to display the Fuel Indicator digits. You needed to hit an external view key (F1, F2, F3, F4 or F5) to see the fuel counter at the status bar. The analog fuel gauge that Digital Integration modeled did not tell you the exact amount (actually the weight) of fuel left.